I don't know how to start, or what to say.

Their photos are far from who they are.

A photo of a scared child, can make you shutter and turn away...Or

Fall head over heels in love with a child....But.

Then comes the diagnosis. So many big words, having no clue what they mean can be scary.

"Sydney" This was her profile picture on Reece's Rainbow.

This is the "Sydney" that Mr. & Mrs. jenks met when they went to Urkraine to meet "Sydney" for the first time.

Do you see where I am going? These photos are not who these kids are. Meet "Lucien" this was his profile picture on Reece's Rainbow.

This is the "Lucien" that Mr. & Mrs.Jenks met when they went to Ukraine.

"Sydney" and "Lucien" where known by those pictures. Not by their personalities or by their sweet laughter. All of these kids not JUST Sydney and Lucien are known by these photos. There are 147Millions orphans out there today that are known by a small bad quality photo. Sometimes these photos cannot be the prettiest even sometimes sad and scary. But these kids didn't choose this, they have no hope with out us. So although their picture maybe "Unpleasant" to look at their is more to these children then just that picture. These kids are like us. They have likes & dislikes. They have feelings. Don't be scared by the photo, take a step in faith & trust that God know what he is doing. Save a life, change a life. Make a difference.