I have only heard that people with Down syndrome are a blessing. Never a burden. They are beautiful & unique. All they want is what everyone else wants. To be excepted as they are for who they are. Everyone is different, in one way or another we are all different. Not one of us is alike. So then why is it that children & people who are "Extra" special get made fun of & become outcasts?
Their almond shaped eyes, wider spaces between their fingers & toes make them unique. They learn at their own pace as everyone else does. Now I have no siblings with Down syndrome but God has blessed me, & opened my eyes so that I can see their full potential, & I wish show other what God has shown me.
While we are sitting in our nice warm houses, with all of our luxuries, these kids are wasting away in places where they are unwanted.
Where they are shown no loves, no affection. They get no attention. But instead become bedridden, they stop growing because they are malnourished. All because they are "different" their lives are deemed as unworthy of life. A question I have always asked my self is "Who is the person that gets to decide who is different & unworthy of life?" Because whoever it is need to be put in the situation of the poor kids that are suffering. All because we never think of other anymore. It's all about me. Never about the children that are suffering & will die if they aren't rescued.
These children are special they are HUGE blessings. They deserve a family, a house, a warm bed, more then we do. They deserve so much more but yet are given so little. If only people would take the time to see what they CAN do. & stop putting everything they wish to do in life down. They CAN & WILL fulfill their dreams. They will get jobs. They will fall in love. They will make a difference. It will happen & nothing will stop them. They are blessings....not...burdens.

What a fantastic post, Alyssa! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Kaitlyn!
ReplyDeleteI love it! They are so special. If God hadn't given me Julianne (when she was 2 1/2 years old!), then my life would be so empty. Yes, "empty". Even though I already had 11 kids when she arrived, my life wasn't what it was meant to be. I love her stubborness. She is the most beautiful and amazing little girl. She was born so sick, addicted to drugs, and going straight into foster care. Heart surgery at 6 wks old didn't phase her! She is the strongest, tiniest, and most amazing blessing. I can't wait until our next 5 "Chromosomally Enhanced Blessings" get home and we get to help them discover how wonderfully made they all are. God is so good!
ReplyDeleteLove it Alyssa!
ReplyDeleteAlyssa.....This is SO beautiful! I pray it helps to open the eyes of those who can not see what we see...just how awesome and beautiful all of these children are! If it were not for amazing people like you....spreading the word..these children would have no hope. Thank you for having a heart for these little ones and Laura says "Thank you so much" for adding her picture <3
ReplyDeleteYou are so very welcome Mrs.Quinn! In all that I do I try, to open others eyes! & give love bug a hug & kiss for me!