So, with it being the beginning of the year and giving my blog a "face-lift" I felt like we needed a new 'addition'. I wasn't sure whether to pick a family, or another child but after some praying I chose another sweet boy to add to I Am His' focus. You'd think that with all the brothers I have that I would be partial to girls, but that is so not the case! Two darlings, two sweet boys, to lovely smiles that will one day have families of their own! :)
So who is this second little one? Well, I would love for you all to meet Cameron! I must warn you that his smile is very contagious, and that is not to be taken lightly. Prepare to swoon, and keep swooning over this gorgeous soon-to-be 3 year old curly boy (you'll understand the curly part when you see his picture).
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Cameron's Reece's Rainbow Profile: |
If you're not swooning over this absolutely gorgeous little boy, well I feel bad for you. His darling curls, piercing blue eyes, and that smile! Oh my, I do not understand why or how he is still waiting. But I hope and pray that he will not wait much longer. His profile says that he is in need of urgent medical care, which worries my heart. Cameron, has congenital hydrocephalus, paraplegia and tetraplegia (spastic tetraparesis), partial atrophy of optic discs of both eyes, additional chord of the left heart ventricle, and a hernia. He will be 3 darling years old next month, and I would love for this to be his last birthday in an orphanage, next year I pray he'll be in a family who adores him to the max!
Do you understand my love for him now? Or maybe why I've been continually swooning over him on my Facebook, and Instgram? HE IS DARLING. If you are interested in Sweet Curls, have any questions, or just want to swoon over him with me, please don't hesitate to email me: I love, love, love, hearing from you guys and I love this boy! :)
Someone see Cameron! Choose him, be his mama!! I cannot wait to see what the year holds for Curly Boy (hopefully a forever family!) and the same goes for Charlie Roo. Let's make 2015 a great year for these boys!! :)
Are you Charlie's, from Reece's Rainbow, Angel Tree Warrior?