From my outward appearance I look like I am doing great and holding it together. But on the inside I am in a million little pieces so many pieces that I don't think I could ever be put back together. I am to tired and exhausted to cry. I don't want to go to church on Sunday because of the millions of questions I will be asked. And the never ending hugs. But I guess I am gonna have to face it one day. Life is never gonna be the same. I hate the distance between me and my little sister. This is a never ending distance. I just want you in my arms. I want you here to snuggle with me. I want you to nap on my chest. There are so many things I want but that I will never get. I wish I had you here with me. Looking at the bright side of things is getting so tiring. :'( I don't want to do this anymore.

I love you Addie...Love...Sissy.
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