
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Cookies & Innocence

If only we all had the innocence of a child.  As my younger brothers, sat at the table decorating Christmas cookies, I was walking around the table shooting photos of them.  They were all so proud of their cookies, and they way they had decorated them.  Their joy was such a wonderful sight!  But as I looked at their cookies, I thought to myself "If an adult were to look at these cookies that didn't have children, they would think they are ugly and horribly put together." Because we always strive for perfection. But with the innocence of a child, they made their cookies look they exact way they wanted.  They were perfect and beautiful in their eyes, and that's all that mattered.

I feel like sometimes that is how we as teens and adults are with people, we get so stuck in the worlds view of "Perfect" that we forget that God made each of us perfectly in His image.  Most people with look at those who were blessed with a special need, and think "Well they're different, not normal, and strange."  When in reality they are just like you and I.  We all have our differences, I learn differently then you do, and at a different pace then you do.  I like different things then you do, and I look different from you.  So why is it that they get treated differently? They're perfect in God's eyes so why aren't they perfect in the eyes of the world?

I have 7 younger brothers, so I know how much those beautifully made cookies mean to them.  I also know how heartbroken they would be, if someone said they were 'ugly', 'horrible', and not worth showing to others.  They would be devastated.  I think that is how God feels too, when we treat those who have the label "Special Needs" poorly.   They are made in the image of God, and are probably one of the BEST images of  God you'll see.  So next time, think before you treat someone poorly.  It's God's heart you're breaking.

God bless,

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