
Monday, August 7, 2017

Walk On Water

In the Bible there is a story of how Jesus called out to Peter and told Him to step out of the boat, to trust Jesus. Peter steps out in obedience and begins to walk, but when the wind hits his face He begins to doubt, he starts to sink and calls out "Lord, save me!" and Jesus reaches out His hand to rescue Him.

I listened to a sermon tonight where this particular story was explained in a new way.  God speaks direction into our lives and asks that we obediently follow Him, to stay close, to trust Him, to not doubt.  And what is so beautiful of this particular story is that as Peter was sinking and he said "Lord, save me!" Jesus reached out immediately and saved him. Immediately.  Jesus said "You of little faith."  "Why do you doubt?" as He reached in and saved Peter before He sank, not when He had sunk, but as He was sinking.  

Jesus was able to reach out immediately and save Peter because Peter was close enough to be caught in His grip.  Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation church says "The problem with most of us is that we wont stay close enough for God to get us in His grip."  If God calls us to step out of the boat, to walk on the water, to come to Him, He isn't going to let us sink.  He knows what is before as us because He directs our steps.  We have no reason to doubt Jesus because He already knows what obstacles lie ahead, this isn't a surprise to Him.  

When we doubt and take steps backward I can't help but think that God says "What are you doing? Don't you see I called you to this because I know...I know what is good for you, I know the bumps along the way, I know you can walk on water because I said you can. What are you doing, just trust me."  When we stay close to God and follow Him closely we will not sink, we will not perish, we will always be in His grip, safely tucked away. 

This week I am asking myself what is my "Walk On Water" request from The Lord.  Where is He asking me to trust, not doubt, that He is in control and He will save me if I begin to sink.  What is your "Walk On Water" request from the Lord? 

Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church: When Anxiety Attacks

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