In March, when I go down, it will be my 6th time visiting/investing in the lives at Casa Esperanza Para Ninos, this is the orphanage that we work with while we are down there. My church is such a huge blessing, and they are offsetting the cost by a large amount (I am not sure of the exact number.) which makes it easier for more of the youth/college students to be able to go. We still have a *small* amount that each of us have to raise, to be able to go on the trip, that amount is $315. I think you can see where this blog post is going, but I don't want my readers to feel like I am *always* asking for money. So please, allow me to tell you about "my" Mexico. Allow me to share some of my joy, my heart, with you, then I will let you be the judge of whether you would like to help me get to Mexico.
In March it will be my 3rd time going on the large youth trips, I have also been on three smaller trips with groups of 4 or 5 people. Each trip has so many different things to offer, but I think the bigger trips may be my favorite.
I have never been very good at making friends, if you put me in the same room as someone new a lot of awkward small talk will happen, and eventually one of us will just walk away. It's terrible. The Youth Mexico Trip gives you no other option than to build relationships with those around you, and whether you're pouring concrete, putting up sheet rock, installing door handles, making balloon animals, or dressing up like a clown, there is no room/time for small talk. You are put in situations where you have to communicate with people that you otherwise wouldn't talk to. Friendships are built, and it's pretty much effortlessly done. I have made many friendships, and still have many of those connections to this day! It helps me, (as I'm sure it does many others.) step out of my comfort zone, and reach out to those who are around me on a weekly basis.
Comfort zone. That is another area that this trip has benefited me, as I'm sure it has others. I am not one to go out of my comfort zone, or to be the center of attention. It makes me nervous, and uncomfortable, I prefer to not do things that force me to be in that position. Well on a Mexico trip, you kinda have no option. Whether you are dressing up like a clown (pictured below) or dancing to songs that you don't understand, you have to act silly. My first year going down to Mexico, I decided to volunteer myself to be a clown for Vacation Bible School. It was honestly one of the funnest things! Yes, I looked absolutely ridiculous, but the kids loved it, and I had fun too!
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Attractive right? ;) |
God always, every single time, without fail, shows me just a little more of His heart...and I adore it.
I find it so much easier to focus on God, and God alone while in Hermosillo, because there is very limited (and sometimes no) internet access, no phone service, and just pure community, with the other believers around you. God says "This is how it's supposed to be. Loving the least of these. Serving Me. Loving one another. Fellowship." it's always so apparent, and clear in my heart that God is there. every minute. in every room. in every church. every van. every VBS. everywhere.
Worship is one of my favorite things, but when in Hermosillo, it is one of my very favorite things. I love that we sing worship songs, anytime, anywhere! Whether it's around a campfire, singing in English and Spanish, in the hallways of our hotel, in the van, wherever we are we sing, and it's in those moments that I feel God move, more than ever. It's just so innocent, we have a guitar, and our voices, we sing lyrics that we've memorized from our favorite worship songs, and it's just such a joy.
La Vid, is the church that Casa (the orphanage) runs. We go there on Sunday morning while in Hermosillo, and although I have no clue what the pastor is saying, I love it. I don't understand the message, but I love that their church body is so welcoming, and loving towards us. They take the time to translate their worship songs for us (even though we are more than willing to sing in Spanish!), as well as do some songs in English. Funny thing is, they have some worship songs that they will only sing in English because they say it sounds better. :)
I could write on for hours, (and maybe on another day I will.) but I have laundry to do, and a bathroom to clean. I love Mexico. More than I could ever put into words, like I truly don't think it's possible to put my love for this place into words.
I have a little under 30 days to come up with $315 dollars. God's got a plan, He's got a will, I know He will provide. Maybe He will use you to help me go to "my Mexico"?
So, I have a question for you.
Will you help me get to Mexico?
My Mexico Fund:
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