Saturday, September 23, 2017
The Life Of Moses
Lately I have been reading a devotional on The Life Of Moses, his life is one that is very widely taught/known when you've grown up in a Christian home. I know about the burning bush, I know about the plagues, I know about Moses parting the seas, these are all things that are commonly known when you grew up in church and regularly attended Sunday School.
But what I didn't know is how relate-able Moses' life is to me today as an adult.
Over the past three days I've learned that like with the "Burning Bush" story, God doesn't always sit and scream our name until we pay attention. Sometimes He puts a tug in our hearts and regularly places that thing in our lives/path until we choose to pay attention. Once we do, He speaks.
Or like when God tells Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let God's people go and things only get harder for the Israelites. Things turned drastically from the Israelites hearing that God had not forgotten them and was going to deliver them from slavery, to everything getting 10/10 harder and them wondering why God would allow their slavery to get worse. Sometimes God allows things to get worse only to show that there is no future in our own slavery, and that looks different for each of us. There is freedom in surrender.
How about when God sends the ten plagues to Egypt and destroy everything they've built? See this one spoke to me. God allows our idols to be destroyed, He takes the false power we thought we had, He pulls the rug out from under us, to show that He is the One and Only God. He is the only thing that should be on the pedestal of our hearts, sometimes we don't see that because we have people, addictions, things, grudges,and egos that take the place in our hearts where He should be.
I'm finding with each devotional that I relate more and more to Moses. When God speaks to Moses through the burning bush and tell Moses that he is going to deliver God's people from slavery, Moses is filled with doubt, worries, and questions. That is me a lot of the time when I feel God is leading me somewhere scary or uncomfortable. I have every excuse in the book, every doubt in the world, to get out of it. "But God I'm not built for that." "I'm bad with words" (Moses used that one too) "I don't think I can be away from my family" "Are you sure I'm the right person for this?" God calms these quietly and is quick to remind that in my weakness, is His strength. He created me, and He equips me for whatever He sets in my path.
I think that there are many lessons to be learned through Moses' life and I'm taking it all in. I feel as though God hand picked this devotional for my life and specifically for what I am going through currently.
I hope this inspires or reaches some of you.
With love,

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