Quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; Submissive."
"Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance."
These two words have popped up quite a bit recently. I sit and ponder their definitions, and what God is trying to communicate.
I've seen and heard people say "When you are silent you learn more." which never really made sense to me until recently. If we are constantly, and continually speaking about "my happiness, my life, my wants, my needs, my anger." We have no time to listen to and put others first. Because we are so concerned with ourselves. We are so concerned with making our lives perfect, and fulfilling out wants, needs, and desires that we miss so much. We can't tend to the needs of others, and do the work of our creator if we are so self absorbed. For most of us and maybe even all of's not a conscious decision because we have become to used to the thought of "It's me first, when I'm happy and my life is perfect then I will focus on others." Yes, this is our natural human instinct. But we aren't supposed to give in to that, we're supposed to fight it. We are in this world, not of it. We can't stand out, and be set apart in Christ if we are just like everyone else. If we are too busy worrying about ourselves, and what we need and want....We will miss everything. We will blend in with the rest of the crowd. We will be just like....everyone else.
When you are truly living in and for Christ, people can tell. Trust me. There have been times in my life when people, and not just any people...but people that don't believe in my savior. They come to me and say "I don't get it you love these people, you love these kids that you've never met, and you get nothing from it but yet you are so happy and willing. Why?" Those comments and words show me that I'm doing something write. A quote from Francis Chan that I found recently made so much sense it says "Something is wrong if our lives make sense to unbelievers." and he's right. If people who live in the world, can understand and comprehend my life, then I'm not where I should be. I can tell when I'm not where I should be and when my life makes all too much sense to those who don't believe, because those comments I told you about? They stop coming, people stop asking me to pray for them...I blend in and I'm just living life like everyone else. Not with a purpose, not to reach out to others, but for myself. All for me, and that is not where God want's any of us to be. Put yourself last, Others second and God first.
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013
103 days till I leave for Africa.
103 Days till my life will be changed.
103 days till I will grow even closer to God then ever before.
103 Days till God breaks my heart for what breaks His...
...Even more than before.
I decided to count tonight and see just how many days till I leave.
103 Days.
Although I will only be gone for a week...
It will be a week that will change my life...

Wonderful & Willing Hearts
Little by little money is trickling in.
Wonderful people are contributing to my trip, so that I can be His hands and feet.
I'm so excited to have this opportunity!
I'm so thankful for all the wonderful and willing hearts, that are helping me get there!
Right when I start to worry about money, God provides.
Just as I knew he would.
"Cast all your worries on Him, for He cares for you."
1Peter 5:7
He knows what He's doing, and I trust Him.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
I was going to write an elaborate post about, my Africa trip.
I was going to explain my excitement, but I tried and failed.
So instead, I wrote this.
To ask if you all would pray, share, and donate if you feel led.
As of right now I will need a miracle to get the money I need for this trip.
I'm not totally freaking out yet, but I wonder if I should be?
I know God has this trip, and my life in His hands.
Found this on Pinterest.

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